Local Markets
Nanango Showgrounds, Nanango
1st Saturday of the month
Nanango markets offers a wide range of handmade arts and crafts, homemade preserves, plants, gardening accessories, fresh fruit and vegetables and so much more.
6.00 am to 12 noon
QCWA building at Wooroolin Wetlands
2nd Saturday of the month
Sausage Sizzle, morning tea, Cakes, Fruit & Veg, Crafts, Jewellery, Jumping Castle and much more.
6.00 am to 12 noon
Lamb Street, Murgon
2nd Sunday of the month
Wide range of locally made crafts, food and produce.
7am to 12pm
Kingaroy Showgrounds, Kingaroy
3rd Saturday of the month
7.00 am to 12 noon
Proston Community Market
Railway Park Proston
3rd Saturday of the month
7.30 am to 1pm
Blackbutt Country Markets
Les Muller Park, Coulson Street, Blackbutt
3rd Sunday of the month
Offer a large array of arts and crafts and fresh local produce.
6.00 am to 12 noon
Coronation Park in the Wondai CBD
4th Saturday of the Month
The markets include stallholders selling fresh fruit and vegetables, arts and crafts, useful knick-knacks, great gifts and goodies, clothing and more. There is live entertainment with locals firing up the BBQ from 6:45am to dish out hearty breakfasts to the early bargain hunters.
7am - 12pm
Memorial Park-Main Street, Hiveville
4th Sunday of each month.
Apart from Christmas.
Food, Fruit & Veg, Live music and lots more.
7am to 12pm
Nanango Churchyard OP Shop Markets
110 Burnett Street, Nanango
4th Sunday of each month.
Excluding Dec & Jan
Food, Fruit & Veg, Live music and lots more.
7am to 11.30am
Goodger Farmers Markets
207 Stuart Valley Drive Goodger Kingaroy
2nd & 4th Saturday of the Month
Locally grown produce from around the South Burnett Region.
8am - 1pm
Bunya Mountains National Park
last Sunday of every month
Over 30 market stalls with locally grown produce, homemade products, arts and crafts.
9am to 2pm
Corner Margaret & Toomey Street, Yarraman
Every Saturday of the Month
Plants, crafts, new and used goods, local farm fresh produce.
7am - 12pm
Do you have an event coming up?
email it to [email protected]